ESCOLHIDOS PARA A HORA PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA See how good it is having assistance while our beloved she comes yeah do you know what was her experience this morning your experiences you're gonna sit at the feet of Jesus that's what you can experience.


International conferences and she operates ministering in her seminars healing it is the most beautiful person of God [Applause] I have to say something foreign I don't know if I'm ready yet.

Let's go yesterday she came and said daughter what are you waiting foreign amen [Applause] Grace and Peace Church apostola Sandra Apostle Sandra.

Pastor Isaiah's please come to the front right to the front peace yesterday it came to my knowledge what happened to you ministerially in this nation Pastor Otto it is you know and as of then I started to feel a direction from God.

I spoke to Pastor Otto he said yes it is that I went together with him present leaders that are in the Brazilian church I ask you both forgiveness for the pain you guys lived for the loss you had foreign a church that has no knowledge of the unity of the body or the vision of the kingdom.

Is what caused damages so in the name of Jesus representing the leaders that did wrong we want to ask you both forgiveness in the name of Jesus Amen [Applause] I would like to say something to you both this is Jesus happened here throughout these days in this event.

In Brazil goddess in places with three thousand four thousands five thousand such a mucus 7 000 people I don't know what God is preparing to do with you both we have no idea but with a lot of success God is here God has operated.

And he is the one that does it so he will do it believe in that [Applause] is these are physical limits that I have myself but I will tell you what I told these women in these last days.

Jesus preached his greatest Sermon on the Mount city is and if it bothers you to see me close your eyes just hear my voice [Applause] what God is going to speak regardless of my limitations we have a lot of things to say this morning in the news I have to give you yeah is.

That my children came to my ears and she says you are free so she said it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] prophecy is foreseeing Supernatural things the Bible says that God does not do or.

Say anything without first saying to his servants the prophet discs he says if there's no prophecy the people they lose themselves and God announces and foresees the future things by the mouth of the prophets he announced the people that are to come in and we see many prophets in the Bible that can even have a human side like every human being.

And we see prophets of high value foreign foreign the signs of his return is all around us the beginning of the pains have started a woman she knows the beginning of birth pains the birth pain starts coming with light pains is sporadically let's start abbreviating.


    The measure that comes with the child to be born so if we read this prophetic circle

    From Mark 13 contest where we compare with what is happening we can observe that the pain has already started but that's not what I want to talk about I want to talk about what he says regarding his return verse 24 and following.

    Figure [Music] the [Music] z i amen this is a parable prophetic sermon it is an announcement of his coming it.

    Is he says they will see the son of man he titles himself as the son of man he has a body in this time and has flesh he has a human form he was born from a womb of a woman to take it to the Cross as a man he connects and as God he connects with the father and becomes the only way that man can get you to get to the.

    Father and he calls himself the son of man and he remains as the son of man even after being resurrected on me he will have the form of man sales he exists in this form of God but became a human form even after being resurrected he has this form the first Martian in christianism.

    When he was a martyr when he was still with Stephen he said he saw the son of man ain't bad standing foreign foreign this is the revelation of Parables and in this Parable he says that in this moment he will return to gather his elect it's not known by him or the Angels.

    What does it mean that it's not in his knowledge because the father did not reveal it to the son when you see him pray the Priestly prayer saying I fulfilled what you commanded me to do Lord now glorify me with the glory I had before the foundations of the earth it is his request to the father is already that I came and then I'm going.

    To the Cross or that I went to the Cross let me go back to the place of before that he will be exalted in such a man foreign [Music] and the word time is repeating numerous times with Jesus you've come tormented me before The Times They know there is a determined time to be imprisoned in the Lake of Fire.

    So Jesus says in this Parable we should discern the time and he gives us a spiritual key it this was in Brazil they would speak this in the region where he lived the victory is not a common tree it was in Brazil [Music] he would have probably given the parable of the mango tree if he was in a northeastern part of Brazil.

    He would give a signs if it was in the Southeast Brazil he would say of the castle or nature giving signs of season and he says in this time there's a parable that is inserted he says it is he talks about as well as a master who gives goes after a far country who left his house and gives authority over his servants into each of his work he commanded to watch and he says to watch.

    And then he says You must pray watch and pray it is like watch

    Pay attention to the times there is the night time there is at the crowing of the roosters there's also the morning because watch therefore you don't know if he comes and finds you sleeping it's like stay awake.

    Throughout the four watches keep your eye is because during throughout these watches he will come and when you look at the watch you will discern the time and I pray to the Lord and I ask how do we discern this and he taught me he gave me a spiritual key the watch in the afternoon what happens in the afternoon the Sun is setting am I saying that they.

    Lose but they're still light if you don't have to turn on your head the sun is not in the house but there's still light on the earth not even your household lights have to turn the sun is still light Illuminating here in pink G and I understood that's the first watch it's the first time of the church Jesus is the son of righteousness.

    He releases his light when Zechariah received the prophecy Revelation he would have a son because about the Baptist and John the Baptist would announce the coming of the Messiah in the moment the child was born he prophesied upon the child he says you will announce the coming of the son that has come to shine.

    Those that are in darkness he is the one that shines in the darkness in the first moment of the church he's already at the party there's a noise he was no longer amongst the men it is the way that you see him ascending you will see him again.

    And here he says in this prophetic system and you will see the son of Manassas he was no longer amongst the men I imagine the Primitive church with little light shining foreign foreign do you remember that day when we gathered around the river and Jesus showed up out of nowhere and then we threw the net we weren't able to catch.

    Anything and then we caught a whole bunch of fishes [Music] and then they would say again do you remember that one time when they came the multitude followed they came with that man dead in the coffin the son of a widow yeah I'm sorry she didn't even cry out [Music].

    The son of righteousness but everything was very clear this is going to come back he's gonna come back why do you think they sold everything they had and shared amongst the poor in them because everything lost nothing made sense he's gonna come back in a little bit everything is going to be left behind I believe this is the first watch.

    Now look to the person beside you say he didn't come back at the First Watch the parable speaks of a second it speaks of the vigil at midnight Midnight is Darkness imagine at that time there was no electrical Illumination in disguises in the homes Darkness midnight is Darkness midnight is when the persecution of the.

    Church starts we open the Service singing about the persecution of the church the night is long and which is the night is longer than the afternoon the night was very long um there was the period of the Inquisition she starts with the persecution of the first Christians those that did not deny the name of Jesus were killed.

    To carry the gospel [Music] he did not return in this time idolatry was included the system foreign the truth was hidden when anyone said the contrary they would.

    Die they were Heretics against the saint beloved church that was the false that's initiated idolatry persecution until the year midnight watch then you have the middle of the night watch what happens in that hour.

    Here it says when the rooster crows during the sunrise the rooster crows here people that like chicken coops how does the rooster grow he sacrificed his own son on the cross it is a shot of the the Protestant Reformation wait there's always more hair over cows like Jesus many men die because they were persecuted they had to leave their homes their.

    Wealth their businesses because they shouted at the LIE of idolatry okay because they say it doesn't matter because we are saved they brought the truth of the Gospel into and then the Reformation what does it says a thousand five hundred sixteen then they start to inaugurate a new time the Bible that is accessible to where the truth is.

    I said the first Commandments you should love the Lord your God above everything else but then the other Commandments [Music] there were stories that would give honor to God to the preachers of the word causing the people to make requests and believing that they would receive answers.

    But do you know that what you received when God addresses idolatry this my the word says that my people consulted people and then the word gives an answer because the spirit of prostitution it is so bring light.

    Is coming back but say to the person beside you he didn't return at that time what am I saying to you now there's the foreign to talk about ministerial callings to talk about calling my name is but that does not what it means when he says I'll call my chosen ones you'll understand what the chosen.

    Through another Parable and he left yeah it's the parable of the Bride of the wedding of the encounter the church with her Lord Matthew 21 foreign [Music] Seattle.

    [Music] foreign foreign why so that it produces fruits foreign does not immunize what immunizes us from the foreign.

    And became Satan because the Bible says in Adam awesome and they're all destituted from the glory you are destituted from something that you have said you lose what you had and when man lost the glory of God he lost it because of sin he lost God's DNA the identity in the title of Son of God.

    And what happened foreign not what pain that's why it deals meal but was my God oh my God why have you forsaken me that's why he didn't want to come to the Earth but the will of my father because he knew that on that cross.

    Today the father will not come close to him because the wages of sin is separation from God are those that choose to live in holiness are those that give up their desires inside their will to be close to God are those that crucify the flesh to be close to God I want to say to you he will come back he will come for us he'll do the chosen.

    Ones and the chosen one of those investors that dress white garments they don't negotiate with sinus when it speaks of the fall of Babylon in the Bible in the Book of Revelation there it is written depart from her come out of her my people so that you did not be accomplished or participants this is.

    Prophet I prophesied in your name you know we cast out demons I do not know you depart from me you that practice iniquity do not think faster the spiritual leaders because they're preaching the gospel that they will not be held accountable with sanctification.

    A life of righteousness if you want to live eternally with the father you must look at this without Holiness no one will see God there was no more God has not changed how will we relativize the sacrifices how dare we minimize I'm sorry spiritual leaders in Brazil.

    Foreign foreign [Music] we'll see God oh Thiago James when he speaks about the time of the end.

    In Jesus said verse 7 of chapter 5 of James says foreign he says verse 8 of chapter 2 the book of songs foreign they.

    Can understand all right search that is in the hiding place yesterday I said to the women this is the genealogy of Adam who drink this from a woman the day that God formed man and his image and likeliness he oh form them he it is a of singular.

    He says male and female I form them it was singular I don't feel more Adam he formed [Music] foreign come upon that human being.

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